Friday, 23 November 2012

YOU just WANT to take ACTION : Just Do It

4% conversions from cold traffic
I'm in the airport right now, heading
back to Costa Rica after spending the
weekend hanging out with Mike Dillard,
Daegan Smith, Aaron Rashkin, Dave
Sharpe, Jonathan Budd, and some other
really, really cool marketers.
One thing I realized this weekend,
is how fortunate I am to be in this
industry - I think this niche has the
coolest people I've ever met in any
kind of business.
Not only do people in this industry
make lots of money, have the best
legitimate lifestyles of any niche in
the world - but they do cool things,
like get manboob surgery, and buy
everyone in a whole bar a beer - 
just because they want to.
One other fascinating thing - when
you really dive into the personalities
that control the wealth online - they're
regular, simple guys and gals - just
like you and me.
There is only two differences between
someone who gets rich quick, and someone
who struggles constantly - 
1.  People who get rich (quickly) know
what they're doing - they are willing to
invest in the knowledge they need to 
succeed - just to give you an example,
Tim Erway spent $250,000 just last year
on education.
You may not need $250,000 - but I'd 
at least get this to start.
2.  Rich people work hard, pushing all
their creative energy into the task at hand,
whereas poor people - as dumb as this might
sound - put all of their energy into maintaining
their ego and 'status'.
They don't want to take action immediately,
because (in reality) they're afraid of what would
happen if they do - and to ease the pain of 
inaction - they constantly want to be in 
'student mode'
The sites have to be perfect, the autoresponder
must be scientific, and they have to be a Guru -
- before they ever begin.
You're smarter than that - that's why
YOU just want to take action.
In Prosperity,
David Wood

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