Saturday, 19 November 2011

a Fight ....Outcomes....

Thus, the fight over gold and silver as media of exchange is about more than mere money, let alone making money. For it is a fight with only two possible outcomes: either control of their own lives by the people themselves, or control of the people and their lives by political and economic elitists. - Dr. Edwin Vieira

Monday, 14 November 2011

Are you really happiness? Or just be happy you....

I was intrigued by this line in the acknowledgements: “ helping to divine the secret to achieving the 5th (highest) level of performance.”
Success has always fascinated me – how each of us defines it, how those that have achieved it did so, how those that teach it do so..  In fact, I’ve dedicated most of my life to studying it.
What becomes really clear after studying it for many years, is that success is defined differently by everyone. So when Jay Niblick wrote what he did – it caught my attention.
His book is amazing, and to save the suspense, yes he has divined the secret to top level performance, or in simple terms, true success. Can I present it within a few paragraphs? Well, I’ll try!
We all define success differently, but most people agree that true success is more like fulfilment and happiness. And what makes us happy and fulfilled is different for everyone.
What brings us the experience of happiness and fulfilment, is the combination of two things:
  1. We first need to know what makes us happy – we need a clear understanding of what happiness and fulfilment looks like for us.
  2. We then need to be succeeding in fulfilling that definition, achieving those goals.
What does that mean in practical terms?
Well, point 1 – we need to know what makes us happy. This really comes from self-awareness. Self awareness is not simply being aware of ourself, it is being aware of who we really, and perhaps more importantly – who we are not. And in the three main areas:
  1. Behavioural and communication. How we naturally like to interact and communicate – and how we don’t. This relates to being aware of the type of environment we flourish in, and what environment stresses us.
  2. Drivers and motivators. What we value, what our passion is. What motivates and drives us, and what de-motivates and drains us.
  3. Our talents and strengths. What comes naturally and easily to us – is effortless, and what we have to work hard at, takes energy and effort.
When we create a rich picture of those three areas; the how (1), the why (2) and the what (3); where they all overlap – this is the place of happiness and fulfilment. This is where success comes from for us.
And point 2 – we need to be succeeding in reaching that place. This comes from being authentic to what we discovered in point 1 – making sure that we remain true to ourselves and what we enjoy the most, what we are best at doing, and where/how we like to do it.
When point 1 and point 2 overlap – we are in our element, and we typically perform at much higher levels – genius levels when we really unleash our true potential.
Jay’s book “What’s Your Genius” takes you through this whole program. It’s a book that in the right hands, can be life-changing.
Here’s to you finding and working your own genius.

a brief Art of the Start with Social Media and WordPress:

The Art of The Start manifesto by Guy Kawasaki is one of my all time favourites. Guy is a genius.
I get asked quite often about getting started with WordPress and Social Media. Seems like we can combine the two for an interesting twist..
So with acknowledgements to Guy, and a Social Media twist, here’s a brief Art of the Start with Social Media and WordPress:
Guy states that “The best reason to start an organization is to make meaning – to create a product or service that makes the world a better place. So your first task is to decide how you can make meaning.”
When looking at using social media marketing, ask ‘what is it that you’re marketing?’. The answer should be something around creating value – value is meaning. For maximum effect, the value has to be rooted in the lofty goal of contribution to something bigger than yourself, but which you are a part of. This is the purpose of your endeavour, the big ‘Why‘.
Guy states that “Forget mission statements; they’re long, boring, and irrelevant. No one can ever remember them—much less implement them. Instead, take your meaning and make a mantra out of it. This will set your entire team on the right course.”
What we’re talking about here is articulating your passion, rather than a lofty ideal. This is the vision. What does it look and feel like when you’re putting answer 1 into action – the essence of the ‘state’ you are in. Who are you being in that state? How can you distil the essence of that into a mantra?
From Guy: “Start creating and delivering your product or service. Think soldering irons, compilers, hammers, saws, and AutoCAD – whatever tools you use to build products and services. Don’t focus on pitching, writing, and planning.”
This reminds me also of Seth Godin’s quote “Great Artists Ship”. Execution is king. But don’t make the mistake of putting execution first. Execution without an objective is unfocussed activity, not productive activity. The objective is to build answer 2, because of answer 1.
Social Marketing though raises an exception to Guy’s note of not focussing on writing. Actually we should focus on writing – because writing is creating the content. However, make sure that the writing is your channel of expression, for bringing answer 2 to life, and not just an activity to distract you or occupy you. Get writing, get interacting, get making videos, get visible.
Guy says: “No matter what kind of organization you’re starting, you have to figure out a way to make money. The greatest idea, technology, product, or service is short-lived without a sustainable business model.”
This is the natural expression of creating value. Whatever you answer to question 1 was, the way you create it in answer 2, has to create value for your market, your team, the people who will pay you money for what you provide. And when it is aligned with your passion, providing value to other swill also in itself be of value to you.
This is where you experience meaning. This is where you take your ideal, and turn it into somethign practical. Think benefits, think value to you clients and customers – put yourself in their shoes and ask “what is my biggest need, my greatest desire”. Ask them, they will tell you. Respond to that need with a value offering, which is also inlien with what you love to do, and are naturally good at.
Guy’s words: “The final step is to compile three lists: (a) major milestones you need to meet; (b) assumptions that are built into your business model; and (c) tasks you need to accomplish to create an organization. This will enforce discipline and keep your organization on track when all hell breaks loose – and all hell will break loose.”
Here we thrash out the specific goals that will keep us on track, keep us focussed in times of turmoil and distraction. Discipline is important, but passion will win out over discipline every time. Aligning your activities and goals to your passion, in a way which creates exceptional value for your clients, and doing this within a clearly defined framework of objectives, will do the trick.

Five Practical Steps for Social Media Marketing with WordPress

  1. Setup a WordPress Site. I recommend hosting with MediaTemple. Why? Because after 15 years in the website game, they are the best I have experienced. By Far.
  2. Setup your social profiles. A good start are Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and Google Plus. Then integrate these into your WordPress setup [separate post].
  3. After completing the 5 steps above, you know what to write, why you’re writing it, and who you’re writing it for. Get writing, video interviewing, guest posting, and responding. Keep in the back of your mind that you are looking to establish authority (in your chosen field), credibility (with your clients, followers and audience), and trust.
  4. Monitor your progress, and the effect you have. Register with and track.
  5. As soon as you can, establish a content strategy – which has visibility and regularity at it’s core. The frequency doesn’t matter as much as the regularity.
Other things which can support this, are tools such as Google Alerts. You automatically receive alerts when someone mentions your speciality subject – giving you the chance to respond and contribute.
There are many more steps of course, but these will put you in the less than 10% of people who do the right things and make a difference.
To your Social Media Marketing Success,

Saturday, 12 November 2011

silverlining to safeguard your wealth value....


Dear See Choo

Thank you for your recent scholarship application and interest in pursuing the Specialist Diploma in Foreign Exchange.

The response was overwhelming with many passionate candidates like yourself. 

You have been shortlisted to attend a scholarship briefing.

Date: Saturday, 12 November 2011 
Time: 2.30pm - 4.30pm.
Venue: No. 3 Shenton Way, #23-03A Shenton House, opposite SGX Centre 2

Friday, 11 November 2011

Let Go the Past : Create Change today for Future

Day 5

Hi Soong,
This is Karim Hajee with Day 5 of The 7-Steps To Success Email Course,
an intensive 7-day program that will show you how to begin training
your mind to work with your subconscious mind - so you live the
life you want and achieve your goals. With Creating Power you'll
make lasting changes in your life so
that you achieve your goals and live your dreams.

To learn more about Creating Power and how you can achieve your
goals visit:

Today you're going to learn how to release the past.
This is crucial to your success - because once you release the past
- you open the floodgates for new and exciting opportunities.
Releasing the past takes a little work - but it will be well
worth the rewards.

Releasing The Past

Are you one of those people who sometimes gets trapped in the past
- you know thinking about things over and over - usually these are
events that happened a long time ago - but you just can't stop thinking
about them?

Do you often try to solve events that took place years ago - hoping
or wishing they could be different? Do you sometimes spend hours or
lengthy periods of time trying to understand why something happened
but just can't find an answer? Or do you find that you're just not
ready to move on with life because of something that happened some
time ago - and you just can't get over it - you keep telling
yourself - just a little more time - but this continues to play in
your mind?

If you answered yes to any of the above - you're not alone. There
are millions of people around the world just like you - people who
just can't seem to let go of the past - and in the process continue
to waste their lives away.
Well, in today's edition I'm going to show you how you can release
the past and start living the life you want - and it's really not
as hard as you think.

Over the past few years we've fielded thousands of calls and emails
from people trying to let go of the past. It seems that they
continually think about what was and the way things were.
They also feel compelled to try and figure out what went wrong -
or how they can resolve things. The most common statement is:
"If only I could go back and fix things." Well you can't - and you
shouldn't want to. Because when you focus on the past you deny
yourself the future.

Read on and I'll explain how you can let go of the past - and start
living the life you want.

The Creating Power system teaches you how to release the past - by
getting you to focus on what you want in life - by focusing on
what's important right now.
Choosing to go back in time is not an option - the only option you
have is to go forward - and Creating Power teaches you how to do this -
one step at a time. 


How To Let Go Of The Past

In order to begin moving on and letting go of the past you first
have to take responsibility for what happened. I'm not asking you to
accept the blame - I'm just asking you to accept that you did have
a role in what happened and that what happened did in fact happen.

If you seem stuck over a breakup with a boyfriend or girlfriend -
accept that the relationship did come to an end and that you did
have a role in how it went and how it ended. Let's face it -
if you weren't there it would have never happened.

Don't try to figure out what you did wrong in the past - instead
focus on what you could do right the next time. Learn from your
past - it's a great teacher.

Look at the mistakes that were made and focus on what you can do to
improve it the next time around. If you lost a job - don't say that
you did nothing wrong. Don't blame everybody else and say -
"they did this to me."
They didn't do anything to you. They may have done something that
had an impact on you - but you also played a role on some level.

Focus on what you can do the next time to keep a job and make a
great impression.
Right about now I get this question: "Yeah, Karim - but they just
called me in one day and told me that I was going to be laid off -
they were cutting back. What role did I play?

How did I make that happen?" You chose to stay at that job. You
chose to get comfortable and not look for another job.
You chose not to improve your skills and strive to do better.
These are acts that you have to take responsibility for.
Understand, I'm not saying accept blame.
Now the next time you get a good job you could strive to be better.
You won't get comfortable. You won't ignore an opportunity to improve
your skills. These are some of the lessons that come from that

Every past event, pleasant or not - teaches us something which if
we understand can better prepare us for the future.
Don't focus on what went wrong - focus on what you can do right
the next time. The best way to do this is to think about
what you want next and then apply what you learned. The Creating
Power System teaches you how to focus on what you want -
by getting you to think of the life you want - and not the life you
once had. Creating Power is the complete system that shows you how
to train your mind and subconscious to create the life you want.


"What a wonderful course. I completed the Creating Power system a
few months ago and it has made a real difference.
I'm getting along better with my husband and kids,
I was promoted at work and I'm now a lot more confident than I used
to be. I now believe I can achieve anything and thank you so much Karim."

Lisa J, Dublin, Ireland.

Create Your Future Today

Hey let's face it - the past is in the past.
It's not what is happening now. It doesn't exist today. That
relationship that ended, that job that was lost, the loved one who
passed away - it's all in the past.
Those things and people do not exist today. You exist today -
and your present life exists today. These are the things you need
to focus on.
In order to leave the past in the past - start shifting your focus
to the things that need attention today.

If you lost a job and don't have work - focus on finding a new job.
Remember the lessons learned from the past experience and get out there and start looking for the next thing.

Take care of what needs to be done today. If you're in debt because
you lost some money in the past - then focus on what needs to be
done now - making some additional money so you can get out of debt.
If a relationship ended - then what do you want now? Another
relationship - then get out there and start meeting new people.
If a loved one passed away - then focus on what you need to do
today - on your own and begin building a new life.

I'm not trying to be harsh - I just want to show you that once you
shift your focus to the present moment - your mind will automatically
let go of the past.

There will be times that your mind will drift back into the past -
that's what it knows so that's where it goes. When this happens you
can simply say to yourself - that's in the past - I'm here now and
I'm focusing on my new life now.

You won't stop thinking about the past right away - but as you
continually do this - your mind will begin to adjust.
When you do it in conjunction with some of the things that I just
outlined - you'll start to move forward and actually enjoy
life again. I often have people tell me:
"Karim, I just can't seem to let go of the past - I keep thinking
about it and just can't stop."
You only think about it because you
choose not to think about something else. You only think about it
because your mind is used to thinking about it and wants to stick to
what it knows. Teach your mind something new and it will move forward.

Leave your mind where it is and it will cling to what it knows.
So give your mind something else to focus on - like the present
moment and the future and you'll see yourself moving forward.

The mind takes you in the past, tortures you, frightens you, and
depresses you - because that's what it knows - that's what it
identifies with - the mind is comfortable in that zone.
The mind doesn't want to stay in the present moment because it is
not aware of the present.
Only you can make it aware of the present - by focusing on what is
important now.
Do this when you wake up in the morning, focus on what has to be
done that day.


The Creating Power system teaches you how get your mind to mover

Creating Power shows you how to move forward and focus on what is
important today - with Creating Power you'll do this in the very
first week. Creating Power gets you to think about what you want now
and what you want next.

It gets your mind to move in a different direction - away from the
past - into the present and preparing for the future.
If you're stuck in the past - I encourage you to get
Creating Power and begin living the life you want and deserve. 


"Hi Karim,
When I started your Creating Power course I was skeptical but now I
can hardly believe the changes. I realized what I was doing wrong and
now I've seen how I can change my reality and situation.
This really does work and I'm going to recommend your program to
friends and family. Thanks."

Brian G, Denver, Colorado.

Some Final Steps

Another thing you can do is change the way you see past events.
Find a positive spin rather than focusing on the negative. You may
say but that's just the way it is - am I not lying to myself if I
try to see it differently? How do you know you're not lying to
yourself by seeing things the way you do right now?

Your current perception may be to view the events of the past in a
negative light - but how do you know that is real? It's just the
way you see it.Change the way you see things - change your perception
and a new reality unfolds. Look at the positive side of things -
everything has happened to put you where you are now.
You are exactly where you need to be - and you got here because of
past events.

Now begin focusing on this moment - focus on what you want - and
you'll take the next step - to be exactly where you need to be
in the future.

Learn from the past, then release it - by focusing on the present,
and see the past as a friend - pushing you forward to where you
need to go.

Creating Power teaches you how to do this and more. Begin letting
go of the past and create the future you want and dream of -
by working with Creating Power.

Take a look at what you want to achieve in life.
Think about those goals and then start paying attention to the
thoughts you have as you think about achieving those goals. Write
down your negative thought patterns, negative beliefs - and see
what you come up with.

Now ask yourself - what steps are you taking to create changes in
your life?

Come up with a realistic plan - and then start taking steps - see
how your mind responds to this. If you find yourself focusing on
the past - then see if you can get your mind to move forward by
focusing on what is important today. What you uncover could determine
your chances for success.

"First of all I would like to say thank you. I have been practicing
the creating power techniques for about four weeks now and I have seen
remarkable improvements in my confidence, in the way I associate with
people at work, church, at school, and especially with my wife
and daughter. Its amazing."

Jonathan D, Charlotte, North Carolina

Ready to begin living the life you always wanted?
Ready to enjoy success, happiness and more? Ready to be more
Then get Creating Power today - and begin
achieving all your goals.Visit:

Part 6 of this 7-day email course will be in your inbox tomorrow,
until then...
keep moving towards your goals and keep believing in yourself -
only you can create the life you want. Visit:

Sincerely ,

Karim Hajee
Creating Power
PS: Remember - if you don't change your thoughts and beliefs,
everything stays the same.

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Committment & Dedication :Self to Mind

Day 4

Hi Soong,
This is Karim Hajee with Day 4 of The 7-Steps To Success Email Course,
an intensive 7-day program that will show you how to begin training
your mind to work with your subconscious mind - so you live the life
you want and achieve your goals. With Creating Power you'll make
lasting changes in your life - changes you haven't been able to make
until now.

 Today you're going to learn how to create changes in your life - so
that you start attracting new opportunities and achieve your goals.
It's actually a lot easier than you think.

Would you like to achieve all your goals?
Would you like to be the person who gets what they want, enjoys
life, has time to spare and is completely fulfilled? Most of us would
love to have that kind of life - but are you committed and dedicated to
making it happen? If not - then nothing will ever get better.

Recently I had a chance to catch up with some people I hadn't seen
in a really long time. Many of them had achieved what they set out to
do when we were teenagers.
But there were a few who were still struggling - you know -
they were trying to figure things out but couldn't understand why
things hadn't improved for them. I explained to them that things don't
get better - you have to make them better.

Nothing changes for you overnight except the passage of time -
which has it's own side effects.

Creating Change is not just about hoping and praying, it's about
doing and being committed. So read on and you'll learn some valuable
tips on how to create changes in your life and start living the life
you want.

If you want to improve your life, if you want to achieve your goals
you first need to make a solid commitment to change or improve things.

Don't take this lightly - because your commitment is the foundation
for change and a better life. Too often I hear people say:
"Oh yeah, I'm going to make a commitment - I definitely want to
change - in fact, as of tomorrow I'm going to make a list and get
Then tomorrow comes and nothing changes.
Instead, they get distracted and forget about the so-called
commitment they made.

A week later here's what they'll say:
"You know I meant to get started last week but I just got too busy.
Something came up - I can't remember what - but this week I'm
definitely going to get started."
The week comes and goes and nothing changes.
There were too many things that come up. Hey - everyday there are
things that come up and if you don't stay focused those "things"
will throw you off track and in the end nothing gets done.
Nothing improves because you were too busy being distracted.
Nothing changes because you didn't stick to your commitment to change.

A commitment to improve your life means you are going to do
everything you can to make sure things get better.
It says that you are going to take action and start by focusing
on what you need to do to create the changes you want. If you don't
stick to that commitment you'll only get distracted. If you keep
that commitment at the forefront of your mind - then when you
sense something coming that could distract you - you'll
take charge and make the time to create the change you want.

If you're in debt and you want to get out of it - then make a
commitment - and start by not taking on any more debt. If you want
to be in a relationship - then start by making it a priority to
go out and meet people.
If you want to get a job - then start going out and doing
everything you can to get a job and keep going until you get things

Making that commitment sends the message to your subconscious mind
- it tells the subconscious that now I'm ready to change and improve
my life so let's get working.
When you work with my Creating Power course - the first thing I ask
you to do is to make a commitment - a promise to make time for
yourself and achieve your goals.
With Creating Power you'll learn how to focus on what you want and
direct your mind to instruct your subconscious to create the
life you want. 


  Decide What Kind Of Change You Really Want

Next take a look at where you are and where you want to go.
I often hear from people who want to be millionaires but don't
have a job - there's nothing wrong with that. But in many cases
these people want to be millionaires within 3 months or 6 months.
Sure it's possible. And when I ask them to think of how they can
achieve this goal - here's the most common answer: "I'll win the
lottery." Yes this too is possible.

But is it likely? What are you going up against? What can you do to
make this a reality besides buy lottery tickets? The answer isn't in
buying more lottery tickets.

The answer to being a millionaire and making millions of dollars is
inside you - you have the answer - you just have to uncover it.
We all have the ability to have what we want, need and more - if we
allow ourselves to work at our full potential. When you work at your
full potential - your mind, spirit and body are all working together
to make the outcome happen. Your subconscious also gets going because
it needs to keep up with the rest of you and it in turn your
subconscious starts creating new opportunities for you.
By going at your full potential you say to your higher power, your
subconscious mind and the universe - hey - I'm ready to do my part.
But when you say: "I'll just buy more lottery tickets."
You're really saying: "I'm too lazy to bother working."
Why then should your higher power help you?

I also have people who are making 30-thousand dollars a year who
want to make a million dollars within 6-months.
Yes anything is possible - but you also have to give yourself a
realistic chance.

Look at it this way - you're about to run a marathon - but you've
never trained to run in a marathon, and you've never trained to run
more than a hundred yards.
Now suddenly you want to run 20+ miles - and you expect to win -
but you've never trained. Is it likely? It is possible - but is it
likely? Wouldn't you be better off training, getting in shape,
then start by running a mile, 2 miles, 4 miles,
8 miles until you got to the point where you were running 20+ miles
- before you entered the race.

If you want to be successful - you have to prepare and take things
one step at a time while setting realistic goals that you can build on.
If you want to be a millionaire and you currently don't have a job
- start by getting a job or starting a business.
If you currently make 30-thousand a year and you want to be a
millionaire - how about increasing your yearly income first?
Perhaps aim for making and additional 15-thousand a year doing
something else.

Then increase that, and continue increasing it until you get to a

If you want to get out of debt - then start by paying off a small
amount of the debt - then increase the amount you pay off.

If you want to meet the right person - start by going out, then
getting to know people until you meet the person you think is right
for you.

When you keep your goals realistic and take things one-step at a
time - 2 things happen. First you start building your confidence -
which is crucial to your success. Next you start sending the message
to your subconscious mind.
You start telling your subconscious that you can do this, you say
you are improving and you are ready for change and that you are giving
your subconscious the time that it needs to help you get to where you
want to go.

What you are doing is creating a success consciousness that is sent
directly to your subconscious. It now starts to pick up your
success belief system - and thus greater change takes place sooner.

The Creating Power system teaches you how to set realistic goals,
how to get your subconscious working for you, how to build that
success energy so that you continually accomplish your goals.
With Creating Power you'll learn how to train your mind to work
with your subconscious mind

  "Karim, I recently finished your Creating Power course and it's
terrific. I've already been able to attract new business opportunities
and best of all thanks to your course and system I can now make the
right decisions. I've already partnered with some groups that will likely
double my income over the next year. This is great material. Keep up the
good work."

Diane G, Tacoma, Washington.

Get Your Mind To Work For You

 This last step is the most important because if you don't keep your
mind focused on what you want to achieve - you'll never get anything

The mind will try to convince you to give up. It will tell you that
there's no need to change, that things are fine just the way they
are, or that you'll get to it tomorrow, next week or next year.
Your mind will tell you that you don't have time right now to do the
things you need to do in order to create the change you want.
It will tell you that it's no use things will never get better.
When the mind does this it's simply deceiving you - it's simply
trying to get you to stop and avoid change. The mind does this
because it doesn't want change.

It wants things to stay the way they are - it's happy in its
misery. But you're not.

You want change - except your mind is not letting you change. If
you don't stay focused you'll give in to the mind - and nothing
ever gets better.

When you work with Creating Power you'll learn to take control of
your mind and direct it so that you achieve your goals.
You essentially learn how to think and create the life you want.
Creating Power is your instruction book for the mind -
with Creating Power you'll learn how to control your mind
and send the right messages to your subconscious mind so that you
create the life you want.

Take a look at what you want to achieve in life. Think about those
goals and then start paying attention to the thoughts you have as
you think about achieving those goals. Write down your negative
thought patterns, negative beliefs - and see what you come up with.
Now ask yourself - what steps are you taking to create changes in
your life? Come up with a realistic plan -
and then start taking steps - see how your mind responds to this -
what you uncover could determine your chances for success.

" Karim, I just love your course. You've taken things to a whole new
level. I studied Joseph Murphy, Napoleon Hill, Louise Hay and a
host of others - but your course really put everything together
for me and got me to change things quickly and easily."

Paul S, Vancouver, Canada.

Ready to begin living the life you always wanted?
Ready to enjoy success, happiness and more?
Ready to be more confident?
Then get Creating Power today - and begin achieving all your goals.

Part 5 of this 7-day program will be....., until
work with the exercises I've outlined and keep moving toward your

Karim Hajee
Creating Power

Believing the Power of Believing : Faithful

Day 3

Hi Soong,
This is Karim Hajee with Day 3 of The 7-Steps To Success Email Course,
an intensive 7-day program that will show you how to begin training
your mind to work with your subconscious mind - so you live the life
you want and achieve your goals.
With Creating Power you'll make lasting changes in your
life - changes you haven't been able to make until now.

To Begin Changing your life and achieving your goals visit:

Today you're going to discover the Power of Believing - and how you
can change your life with a few simple steps.

Let's get started.

When you truly believe something - have faith that it will happen - then
it really will happen. All we have to do is keep believing.

Now I know a lot of people don't completely accept that idea and
then there are those who say they practice it - but really don't truly
practice it - they just think they do.

But there are those who are living examples of this concept -
people who truly practice Believing and have tremendous success.

Ever wonder why or how they do that?

Well it's really not that complicated and in today's newsletter
you're going to discover the simple steps behind the Power of Believing.

But before you can establish your power of believing - so that you
achieve your goals - you need to have a number of elements in place
before this Power of Believing can help you achieve your goals.
When you follow the steps that I outline you will
be working with the power of believing and you will catapult
yourself to success.

I go over these steps in great depth in my Creating Power system -
which shows you how to utilize the power of believing,
how to create a new belief system so that you eliminate the negative
thought process that has been holding you back for so long.
Start changing your life today and get the Creating Power System.
To Begin Changing your life and achieving your goals visit:

"When I started your program I had 2 simple goals -- find a new
place to live and get a new room mate -- someone I could get along with.
Karim, everything seemed to happen at one time -- and I'm so happy
with the results. Now I need to focus on a few other things and
I'm sure I'll achieve my goals if I stick with your course."

Jennifer M, Malaysia

What You Believe is What You Get

Before I get into how to utilize the power of believing I think
it's important to give you a little background and I thought
it would be more helpful to look at some concrete information that
proves - what you believe is what you get.

Recent studies show that a person who believes they are truly sick
and that they are going to die will not fare as well as someone who
believes they can recover and will survive. And those who believe the
will get better usually go on to live a healthy lifestyle.

Today in New York City - doctors at Sloan-Kettering cancer center
are teaching cancer patients the power of Positive thinking and how
their beliefs will impact their chances of survival.

Since the turn of the Century (2000 and forward) researchers have
begun taking closer look at the impact the state of a person's mind
has on their health and life. Those that have completed their
studies have found that what we think and the state of our mind
have a direct impact on our life, reality and health.

For example: a person who is constantly stressed, spends little
or no time meditating, has a negative or bleak outlook on life
is more prone to sickness, will have an unhealthy lifestyle and
is more likely to be in an unstable relationship.

A person who takes time to meditate, has a positive outlook and
believes he or she can and will cope is more likely to be in
better health, look younger and will have more positive
fulfilling relationships. So how does what we believe impact our

What you believe is what you get!

I think that about sums it up.

Now I know some of you may not accept that - but here's what
happens when you believe something. If you believe that
relationships are difficult and require a lot of work - then you'll
only attract people who will make the relationship difficult or
force you to put a lot of work into it.

More importantly - if you worry about something - you basically
believe the worst and you'll likely get the worst.

That doesn't happen all of the time and there is a reason for
it not happening all of the time. Even though you worry - a small
part of you is hopeful that you'll have a positive outcome and
thus a complete disaster is often avoided. However, if you were
to only worry and think of the worst at all times - never being
hopeful - then you could be setting up yourself for a massive disaster.

But there is more to believing than just creating beliefs.
Having positive beliefs is the first step toward creating a
positive and successful life. Believing is something completely

Here's an example: You may have positive beliefs about money;
you may have a belief that there are plenty of ways to make money.
But if you don't believe that you will make money - you won't make
the amount that you are hoping for.

A belief is the way you feel about something - it's deeply rooted
and if I asked you a question about it you'd have an answer.

Believing something is trusting that what you want can and will
happen. There is not a single doubt that it will happen - you
completely trust and know that it will happen.

Many people I speak to are missing this element in their daily lives.
They'll do all of the other work that is necessary to achieve their
goals - but they can't get this element of believing into their

So how do we begin believing so that we can create the life we want?
In my 4-week Creating Power system you'll learn how to believe in
yourself and achieve your goals. You'll learn how to create a new belief
system, practice believing so that you always enjoy success and
constantly create a more positive, healthy life. To Begin Changing your
life and begin creating a belief system that will launch you
to success and happiness visit

How to Change Your Beliefs
In many ways we've been raised to not believe.
If you can't see it - it's not real - that's what we're taught.
But believing is vital to our survival and success. If we could only
believe that everything would work out and trust that what you want
can and will happen - you'd have remarkable results. Your life would
change in ways you never thought possible. But for some reason -
most people just can't believe that things will workout for them.
They look at past results and judge their future on those results.

Let me ask you a few simple questions:
Do you believe, without a doubt, that you can and will have
everything that you want in life?
Do you believe without a doubt that you will be guided to the right
situation at the right time - no matter what you will get to where
you want to be in life?
Do you believe, without a doubt, that there is always a way to
achieve your goals - you just have to find it?

If you answered no or maybe to any of the above questions - then
you don't believe - and therefore won't be able to accomplish
your goals and live the life you want.

Believing requires a complete trust that everything will workout.
That you will do your part in finding solutions while trusting
and knowing that you can and will get what you want out of life.

Here's an example of believing that most of us can relate to on some
level. If you have a child or if a friend or a relative has a
newborn child - then think about that child for a moment.
Think about the earliest time that you saw that child.

Remember when it couldn't even feed itself or make a sound. It had
no motor coordination and didn't really recognize things very well.
Now assuming this was a healthy child - when it was at that stage -
did you or it's parent - ever doubt that it would learn to walk?

The answer is no. Everybody was convinced; everybody believed that the child would
learn to walk.

That's the kind of belief I'm talking about that's needed to achieve
your goals.

You have to believe that things will workout - no doubts - just
trust in yourself, your inner powers and the powers that be - that
everything will workout.

The Creating Power system teaches you how to develop this
Practice of Believing first by showing you how to work with your
mind and subconscious mind. Then you'll learn to take small steps
and see some small improvements - this leads to practicing
the art of Believing. Start living your life to your full
potential - let Creating Power show you how to do this and much more.

"I just wanted to thank you for your system -- it's really
excellent. I've used it in so many ways and have seen so many changes,
my wife can hardly believe how we've been able to improve our situation.
Thanks Karim."

Gary D. Alexandria, Virginia

Ready to begin living the life you always wanted?
Ready to enjoy success, happiness and more?
Ready to be more confident?
Then get Creating Power today - and begin achieving all your goals.

Training My mind to work with my subconscious mind :Success Meaningful Love-Life-Learning

Day 2

Hi Soong,
This is Karim Hajee again with Day 2 of The 7-Steps To Success Email
Course, an intensive 7-day program that will show you how to
begin training your mind to work with your subconscious mind -
so you live the life you want and achieve your goals. With
Creating Power you'll make lasting changes in your life - changes
you haven't been able to make until now.
"Hi Karim,
Just thought I'd drop you a note to say that last year when I
started working with your Creating Power course I wanted to meet
someone and get a better job.
Tom and I have been with each other or 9 months now -- and my life
has really changed.
I did get a better job recently and then realized that I had
accomplished what I set out to achieve. Now I'm ready for some
new challenges."

Sandra Welland, London, England. 

Today you're going to discover the Key to Success and how you can
radically change or improve your life. So let's get started.


The Key To Success

If you want to be successful at anything you first have to believe
that you can accomplish something. Your key to success is your
belief system. If you have a negative belief system then your
success will be limited. If you have a positive
belief system then you will enjoy success after success and a
rewarding life.

Before I ended yesterday's session - I talked about how beliefs are
vibrations sent to the subconscious mind and the universe.
These vibrations are then manifested in reality.
We're going to get into how your limited beliefs create
a limited reality and what you can do to change that.

Unfortunately most people don't believe that they can achieve their
goals. They often wish they can - but they don't truly believe this.
In the end they have a negative belief system that limits them.

Because a lot of people have been conditioned to believe that
things are difficult, that life is tough, that you have to fight to
get to the top, etc.
These are all limited belief patterns that will destroy your
chances for success.

Any negative thought pattern or belief will create a vibration that
will ultimately limit or destroy your chances for success.

Where do these negative thought patterns and negative beliefs come

For most of your life, your mind has been reacting to situations,
listening to others, following what other people say and basically
going in a negative direction.

Because your mind has never been told what to do.
Look at it this way: There's your mind - which contains all of these
negative thought patterns and negative beliefs - and then there's
you - who wants to achieve all these wonderful goals.
However you have negative thought patterns that go against your
ability to achieve your goals.

Here's an example:
You want to be successful in your job.
But your thought pattern is that you're no good, that you can't
even do your job well, no one likes you, they're going to make cuts and
you're next.

If you have such a negative thought pattern and negative beliefs
about your abilities - no matter how much you may want to do better
and no matter how much you may want to improve your performance at
work - it won't happen.

Why not? Because you don't believe it will happen. Every belief you
have is picked up by your subconscious mind and manifested in

Negative thought patterns lead to a negative belief about
particular areas of your life.

You see your subconscious mind doesn't distinguish between what is
good for you and what is bad for you. It doesn't say: "Hey, let's
not do that - it won't be good for you." That moral clause is in
your mind - your subconscious simply responds to the instructions
from the mind. Those instructions are your thoughts, and beliefs.

That's why if you have a negative belief about something - your
reality will represent that belief - and you continue to believe it -
because you think it's true. It becomes a vicious cycle, which you
created in the first place because of the negative thought pattern
that you held on to for so long.

The only way you can break it is to change your beliefs - then your
reality will change. Start changing your beliefs today and begin taking
control of your life right now. This is what the Creating Power
system teaches how to do.
With Creating Power you get step-by-step instructions, real
exercises to train your mind and subconscious mind to create the
life you want. These exercises are built in to your day - it's not
Instead, it's a simple, effective process that has already helped
thousands of people improve their lives significantly. With
Creating Power you regain control of your life.
"Karim, I just wanted to thank you for this simple and powerful
I've read all kinds of self-improvement books, bought the cds, but
nothing compares to the program you have. It's already helped me
change my life - I'm now making more money and in a great relationship."

--Tom Merriman, Texas


How To Be successful

If you want to be successful, enjoy happiness and inner
fulfillment, and become more confident - then start examining the
areas that need improvement.
Then take the next step and make note of your thought patterns? Do
they limit you? Are they getting in the way of what you want to
achieve? Do they help
you accomplish your goals?

Let's take a look at another example.
Suppose you want to meet the right person - but you believe that
there are no good men or women out there.
You believe that relationships are difficult and that you can't have
a long-term relationship with someone. You believe that all
relationships come to an end.

No matter what you do, no matter what you try, you'll never meet
the right person because your limiting belief system will stop you
and sabotage every relationship and every opportunity for a
long-term relationship.

If you have a negative belief system about money or success, if you
worry, stress out, or get scared about the future - your
subconscious will act on these beliefs and make them your reality.

In many ways you destroy your own life based on the negative thoughts that you constantly have.
Negative beliefs and negative thought patterns will make your life

Where do these negative beliefs and negative thought patterns come
from? They come from how you interpret your past experiences, they
come from your upbringing, they come from your childhood experiences,
they come from conversations you've had with friends, neighbors,
and people you trust.

Here's the good news - they don't have to live with you forever.
They don't have to be a part of your life from now on.
You can change these negative thought patterns and negative beliefs
- into powerful positive thoughts and powerful positive beliefs so
that you achieve your goals and live the life you want.
Start changing and eliminating negative thoughts. Create positive
thoughts and positive beliefs. Start living the life you want today.
With Creating Power you'll begin eliminating the negative thoughts
in the very first week and you'll begin creating positive thoughts
that direct your subconscious mind to create the life you want.

Change Your Thoughts
Next - take a look at what you want to achieve in life.
Think about those goals and then start paying attention to the
thoughts you have as you think about achieving those goals.
Write down your negative thought patterns, negative beliefs -
and see what you come up with. 

"Karim, I just wanted to send you an update. I think my personal
coaching ran out some time ago -- but here's how things have progressed:
I increased my salary by $11,000 -- with much more satisfaction in
the job. I bought my first home last month -- it is everything we
wanted. I've noticed a decrease in negative thoughts and a greater
sense of peace and happiness. Thanks for the course."

Henry Thompson., Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

Ready to begin living the life you always wanted?
Ready to enjoy success, happiness and more?
Ready to be more confident?
Then get Creating Power today - and begin achieving all your goals.

Part 3 of this 7-day program will be in  tomorrow, until
keep moving toward your goals and always believe in yourself.

Karim Hajee
Creating Power
PS: Remember - if you don't change your thoughts and beliefs,
everything stays the same.