Day 1
Hi Soong
This is Karim Hajee, the founder and Creator of the Creating Power
System - and I want to thank you for taking the time to work with my
7-Steps To Success E-mail Course - an intensive 7-day email course that
will show you how to begin training your mind to work with your
subconscious mind - so you live the life you want and achieve
your goals
By following what I outline you'll make lasting changes in your
life - changes you haven't been able to make until now.
It's a lot easier than you think.
You do it by simply training your mind, and by using the techniques
outlined in the Creating Power 4-week home study course.
Creating Power will change your life in ways you never thought
It starts by changing your thought patterns, including unconscious
thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes. You'll also learn to use your
emotions to empower you. With Creating Power you'll reach your full
potential and perform at peak levels in every situation while
increasing confidence and self esteem.
Over the next 7 days, you'll get special details on my powerful,
effective and yet simple program that will help you overcome any
negative beliefs that have been holding you back for so long.
You'll also learn how to boost your confidence and achieve success
in all areas of your life.
Whether you want to quit bad habits, start new positive habits,
achieve your goals, make more money, meet the right person,
increase confidence, or simply get your life back on track -
it's all in Creating Power.
I promise you that you'll be more than satisfied with the
information you receive and the techniques you learn in Creating Power.
Creating Power goes beyond what any book, cd, tape or software
program has done. It gives you the power to create the life you want.
Finally, you'll begin to believe in yourself - knowing
that you'll be able to achieve all your goals - and you'll
feel confident that you can reach for and achieve some
really amazing things in your life.
"Karim, I just want to say thank you -- your
Creating Power System is everything you promised it
would be. I've already seen results and am more
confident than I was when I started your course. I even
managed to get a promotion and secure a better
salary -- yes even in these tough economic times.
Thanks for sharing your Creating Power System."
--David T., Oklahoma.
Every technique I teach in my Creating Power system and everything
you learn in this email course comes from principles I apply in my
everyday life. I'm not one of those people who came upon hard times
and then found some miraculous method that changed my life.
What I teach I learned when I was 7 years old - it was taught to me
by my grandmother and later by my mother. My program became my way of
thinking at a very young age. I've used these techniques and my own
system to secure funding for college, create 2 successful businesses,
become an award winning journalist in Canada and New York, f
ind true love and build the home of my dreams.
I practice what I preach.
My Creating Power system has already helped tens of thousands of
people all over the world - it can do the same for you.
Let's get Started with today's lesson.
By now you probably know that quitting a habit or achieving an
important goal can be extremely difficult. You could go crazy trying to
succeed at just one seemingly simple thing, only to fail again and again.
You may have already given up on yourself. But don't quit just yet
- there is a way to begin living the life you want and more.
And I am going to show you how to do this.
You really truly have everything you need already inside you.
You can achieve anything you want - and all you have to do is train
your mind to work with your subconscious mind. It's like training
for success.
And Creating Power shows you how to get the most out of yourself
and your inner powers - so that life becomes easier and more fulfilling.
Before you can begin achieving your goals, you first have to know
what you want - and that means you need to get focused.
Getting Focused
If you want to achieve your goals, improve your life, enjoy life or
discover your true calling - what ever it is you want to achieve
you first have to decide what is important and then come up with a
plan. You don't have to come up with all the details but you have
to come up with a list of what you want to achieve,
and have a general idea of how you plan to get there.
Did you know that 80-percent of people who write down their goals
achieve them.
Yet less than 5-percent of people in the world actually write down
their goals and desires?
Those are astounding figures - and think about it - just by simply
writing down your goals, objectives and plans you increase your
chance of success and achievement by 80-percent.
Did you also know that most successful people and the wealthiest
people in the world write down their goals and come up with a solid
plan of action - before they became successful? Now you know
why they're successful.
Why does coming up with a plan and decision make such a difference?
Because when you make a decision, write it down, come up with a
plan - you tell your subconscious mind, and you send out a message -
that you're ready for success and that you will accept nothing
less than success.
It's a powerful message that supercharges your subconscious mind to
get moving on achieving these goals.
I find writing things down and making decisions so important, not
only do I practice it regularly in my life - but I also teach this
process in the first week of my Creating Power System.
Start by getting focused, learn to decide which goals you truly
want to accomplish then begin sending your subconscious mind the
right instructions to help you achieve your
goals. Get started today
"Ever since I worked with Creating Power I've been
on a steady pace to achieve my goals. I've seen results
that I never thought were possible. I've examined a lot of
courses and tried different material -- but your course
really put it all together. Thanks, Karim."
Margaret V.H, San Antonio, Texas.
Discovering What You Want
Now I know some of you may say: "Karim, I don't know what I want to
do. I can't decide what I want to do - how can I write down anything if
I don't know what I want to do?" This is a typical response.
But you know what? You do know. Deep inside you there is a passion
that has been covered up by negative thoughts, negative thinking,
and confusion from all those years of doubt and fear.
How do you discover this?
First you have to start thinking. Just start thinking about what
you want to accomplish in life. Fast forward to five years from now
- what does life look like?
What are you doing? Think of the ideal situation.
If you start doing that you'll get your mind moving in a certain
Decide what you want then supercharge your subconscious mind by
giving it the right instructions so that you begin attracting the
situations and people that will help you achieve your goals.
Start living your dreams today
The Power Of Your Mind
The mind is an incredibly powerful tool - yet we only use a small
portion of it and when we do - and we use that portion poorly.
Researchers have proven that our mental state has a direct impact
on our body.
If you're stressed - you stand a better chance of getting sick. If
you're worried,
you stand a better chance of getting sick. The mind is an
incredibly powerful tool - and when you use it correctly -
you'll be able to get back on track, discover what you want and
why and start creating wonderful opportunities in your life.
Because your subconscious will pick up the messages from your mind
and act on it.
We create what we think and what we think sends out a vibration
that attracts similar thoughts and people who share similar thoughts.
Think of thoughts as vibrations - that are picked up by the
subconscious and the universe and manifested in reality.
Beliefs have powerful vibrations and will be manifested sooner.
So if you constantly say you don't know what you want to do, or
you're not sure, or you can't figure it out - you're only going
to create more confusion and you're only going to attract
situations that will confuse you even more.
Stop this never-ending cycle of confusion and begin thinking about
what you want.
Negative thoughts create negative beliefs, which are negative
vibrations - in the end you attract negative situations,
negative people and a negative lifestyle.
Begin creating the right vibrations, and the right energy to
attract the opportunities, people and situations to help you
achieve your goals.
With Creating Power you'll learn how to get your mind and
subconscious mind working for you. When you work with my
Creating Power system, within days you'll begin creating the right
energy and discover how to attract opportunities
to that you start succeeding.
So for today - start thinking about what you want.
Look at where you are now and think about where you want to be in
the next year or 5 years. Come up with a plan. Then see how your mind
responds to this new plan. Is it excited or is it giving you excuses
for why you can't accomplish your goals?
Examine your thought patterns - pay attention to what you're
thinking then take a look around you - does your life reflect the
thoughts you regularly think? What you come up with will give you
a good idea of what you've been doing and what you need
to do to improve things.
"All I can say is Wow. You showed me what I was doing wrong and
just how negative my mind was. Thanks to your Creating Power System
I've changed my whole attitude and outlook on life. Even my
friends can see a difference. Best of all -- I finally feel like I
can accomplish my goals and I'm believing in myself again."
Jose D.S, Santa Ana, California.
Ready to begin living the life you always wanted?
Ready to enjoy success, happiness and more?
Ready to be more confident?
Then get Creating Power today - and begin achieving
all your goals.
Part 2 of this 7-day program will be in here tomorrow. Until
keep moving toward your goals and always believe in yourself
What Will You Decide ?
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