Wednesday, 9 November 2011

I Believe and I experience

How to Change Your Beliefs
In many ways we've been raised to not believe.
If you can't see it - it's not real - that's what we're taught.
But believing is vital to our survival and success. If we could only
believe that everything would work out and trust that what you want
can and will happen - you'd have remarkable results. Your life would
change in ways you never thought possible. But for some reason -
most people just can't believe that things will workout for them.
They look at past results and judge their future on those results.

Let me ask you a few simple questions:
Do you believe, without a doubt, that you can and will have
everything that you want in life?
Do you believe without a doubt that you will be guided to the right
situation at the right time - no matter what you will get to where
you want to be in life?
Do you believe, without a doubt, that there is always a way to
achieve your goals - you just have to find it?

If you answered no or maybe to any of the above questions - then
you don't believe - and therefore won't be able to accomplish
your goals and live the life you want.

Believing requires a complete trust that everything will workout.
That you will do your part in finding solutions while trusting
and knowing that you can and will get what you want out of life. 

That's the kind of belief I'm talking about that's needed to achieve
your goals.

You have to believe that things will workout - no doubts - just
trust in yourself, your inner powers and the powers that be - that
everything will workout.

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